Saturday, September 13, 2014

St. Petersburg, Part I, Russia

Upon arrival in St. Petersburg, the three of us checked into our Palace Hotel: an amazing renovation of a palace with an enormous bedroom lined with Romanesque columns and a luxurious hallway that led to a bathroom tiled in marble and mosaics and gold accouterments -- indubitably ostentatious. After settling in, we toured the area around the hotel, including the Winter Palace (the Hermitage Museum), the Neva River and Nevsky Prospect. Vic was astounded by how much St. Petersburg had changed in twenty-five years; commercialism and capitalism now live somewhere down the street from the local McDonalds, while the communist structure is hidden somewhere beneath the cobblestone.  We grabbed a bite to eat at an all night cafe and tucked into our luxurious hotel for the night. 
In the morning, we hired a guide to take us on a tour of the Hermitage. She showed us the most important rooms and paintings, and provided background about all the pieces. One of the most incredible was a lifesized, gold peacock clock which spread its tail on the hour.  We ate lunch at a fast food Russian restaurant called Teremok, which served delicious Blinis and Borscht. 

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